It’s right before all the snow is falling and leaves are coming down in expensive yard waste bags full. It’s also the season of animals finding their way into convenient areas for slumber that also happen to be your home. Many people are taking on the daring chore of leaf blowing their roofs of dead tree parts and cleaning the gutters. What makes the day of risk and dirt all the more fun is finding that the roof drain cover is cracked. It had one job! That’s why BruCo’s Leaf Guard is your easy, inexpensive fix. You just kick your old roof drain cover to the curb and install this octopus looking product into the drain by gathering the ‘legs’, placing them in the drain, and well that’s it! Now a little globe of protection is saving you from debris blockage or nesting animals. That way the animals nest in the tree next to your home instead of in the roof. Keeping leaves from the tree out of your home! It’s a win, win!
This product is so quick and simple that peoples whose job it is to go on your roof could find the issue and install our Leaf Guard in minutes. BruCo cares about the effectiveness and ease of product installation and now I believe we can add animals to that list. BruCo is people friendly, roof friendly, and now animal friendly. One Leaf Guard at a time.
BruCo has a way of making plumbing easy, that when your toilet starts to reek it doesn't take long to switch out an old fashioned closet flange for a new BruCo one.
A quick 3 tips to making a closet flange extension installation go much smoother in it's process. Making sure to get a better and simpler installation.
BruCo's IF333 or GF340 Adjustable Closet Flange makes another closet flange fix simple and to the point. It doesn't need expensive floor damage or long hour repair. Just a proper installation.