Oh no your second bathroom is acting up! Why does this keep happening to you? You know the drill, but this time you want to change it up because the GH950 was too simple. You need some challenge in your life. Well too bad! BruCo’s Adjustable Closet Flange is in your hands now and it’s about as simple as the last installation. The only difference you really see is it needs to be glued instead of tightened. What a world of options we live in…
Good for you, you have plenty of glue just lying about. You’re not sure how it got there…could be I was wrong about your bathroom not being a cheaply made horror movie. Or maybe it is Bobby BruCo there in spirit cheering you on. As you know by now from watching all our YouTube videos, he’s always there when plumbing goes awry, much like Santa Claus with his naughty or nice list.
So, you begin slopping on some glue, placing the IF333 or GF340 product in position (whichever sizing fits your pipe) and Tah Dah! It just needs to be secured in place! What a laid-back plumbing project and this time with no detail of nasty bathroom problems. Now your toilet water will stay in the can and your crapper will only smell like one when…well you get the rest.
BruCo has a way of making plumbing easy, that when your toilet starts to reek it doesn't take long to switch out an old fashioned closet flange for a new BruCo one.
A quick 3 tips to making a closet flange extension installation go much smoother in it's process. Making sure to get a better and simpler installation.
BruCo's Connect-A-Boxes slide together on all sides to create any configuration you want! It's a fancy little contraption that allows for a easy way to organize those small niknaks everyone accumulates.