When first stepping into the world of BruCo, I was a lawn mowing teen making a few bucks. But when I stepped into the factory there were cords galore! All the machines have them, let alone the computers, and the radios that help all the employees jam while they help create the amazing products…you’ve hopefully already checked out while surfing the web... Anyway! So many cords! Thankfully BruCo started selling these funky little klips called GadgetKlips! Now all our machinery and office space looks to be super high-tech with the new minimal mess of cords strewn about. It almost looks like everything just powers itself and there is no need for an electrical bill anymore..well one could wish. These Klips come in 3 different sizes tall, grande, and vente Or as non-coffee drinkers like to say small, medium, and large. So, they can basically fit most any cord and multiple cords if need be. Not only do they hold cords, their handles are sturdy enough to hang cords up! They aren’t just for businesses either, they work just as nicely for at home use, like wrapping up pesky extension cords or even a hairdryer. The options are endless, much like this blog post!
Like the BruCo boss always says…”Klip it or ticket”.
BruCo has a way of making plumbing easy, that when your toilet starts to reek it doesn't take long to switch out an old fashioned closet flange for a new BruCo one.
A quick 3 tips to making a closet flange extension installation go much smoother in it's process. Making sure to get a better and simpler installation.
BruCo's IF333 or GF340 Adjustable Closet Flange makes another closet flange fix simple and to the point. It doesn't need expensive floor damage or long hour repair. Just a proper installation.